Games: El extraño caso de la lombriz que se alimentaba de simbolos ASCII y los perturbadores efectos que este alimento tenia sobre su crecimiento – by marcosjl

lumbriz2If there were a prize for the shorter game with the longest name, the third game for the Commodore 64 by marcosjl would surely win.

El extraño caso de la lombriz que se alimentaba de simbolos ASCII y los perturbadores efectos que este alimento tenia sobre su crecimiento (The curious case of the eartworm that fed on ASCII symbols and the disturbing effects this nourishment had on its growth), is a tiny (only 8 lines) implementation in BASIC of the classic game Snake.

On it we must guide (using a joystick in port 2) an earthworm around the screen to eat the symbols (#), while avoiding colliding into itself or the edges of the screen.


  • Name: El extraño caso de la lombriz que se alimentaba de símbolos ASCII y los perturbadores efectos que este alimento tenía sobre su crecimiento
  • Author: marcosjl
  • Platform: Commodore 64 (+joystick)
  • Description: With Joystick 2 we can reconstruct the life of this disturbing being that is still putting in check the entire scientific community. The program is written in 8 lines of BASIC for the simple reason that it was not possible to make it smaller. Note that the 2 hours spent on its development were took off a day of work in which the developer had to finish another project much more urgent, but when the need arises to write a C64 game in BASIC, that urge is impossible to stop .
  • Tools used: WinVICE

lumbriz1The archive contains the game in .PRG format

Updated on April 19th, 2013

A few hours after the reception of entries was closed, marcosjl sent the Sinclair Spectrum version of this game.

It is presented here outside the competition.