Games: Penguino by Jim Gerrie updated

Title screenJim Gerrie has sent in a new version of his game Penguino, three new versions in fact:

  • Penguino Original: The definitive version and the one that will enter the competition.
  • Penguino Fast: This is a faster version which makes it too hard to play on the emulator due to lag in the keyboard emulation.
  • Penguino Special: Alternative version with a new chase algorithm for the enemies.

The file contains all the .C10 image files for each version and also the corresponding source code files in txt format. Check Readme.txt to learn more about the differences bethween versions.

Download penguino_final (Downloaded 12  times)

One thought on “Games: Penguino by Jim Gerrie updated

  1. I forgot to mention in my update notes for Penguino that I also added the ability to use the keys

    G H J

    to control the little red penguin in addition to the standard MC-10 keys
    A S

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