A week ago there’s a new way to submit your entries to the competition: directly from this site.
Simply by clicking the ‘Submit your work!’ menu on top of the page you”ll access a form which you have to fill with the following data:
- Entry name
- Category (BASIC games, Graphics or Music)
- Plataform
- Entry description
- Tools used
- Name(s)/Nick(s) or Handle(s) of the author(s)
- Contact e-mail
And of course the file containing the entry (Compressed in zip, rar, 7z or tgz format )
After submitting the form you’ll receive a confirmation e-mail if everything went ok.
but we wont be able to talk to you as much =(
Well, the web form is not mandatory and the e-mail account is still open to receive entries or questions 😉
This is just a another option I added because the e-mail address was ‘hidden’ in the rules page and there was confusion in some forums about how to submit entries.