Complete packs with all the entries – Available for download


As a previous step to the voting phase, we are providing with a complete entry pack, a single archive comprising all the entries presented to the competition.

Retrospectiva 2012 – Complete Pack

Individual packs for the graphics and BASIC games categories are also available:

Retrospectiva 2012 Graphics Pack

Retrospectiva 2012 – BASIC Games pack

Packs completos con todas las entradas – Disponibles para descargar


Como paso previo a abrir el proceso de votación, les dejamos a continuación los packs armados con todas las entradas participantes en un solo archivo.

Retrospectiva 2012 – Complete Pack

También estan disponibles packs individuales para las categorías de gráficos y juegos BASIC

Retrospectiva 2012 Graphics Pack

Retrospectiva 2012 – BASIC Games pack

Graphics: Habemus Pappo by Alakran

pappoHabemus Pappo is Alakran’s entry to the graphics category.

It’s a Commodore 64 multicolor mode graphic.


  • Name: Habemus Pappo
  • Author: Alakran
  • Platform: Commodore 64
  • Description: Habemus Pappo. A digital tribute for the caveman. To finger sandwichs and music played by human beings.
  • Resolution: Multicolor mode 160×200 pixels
  • Tools used: Timanthes

The archive contains a disk image (D64) with the graphic as executable aswell as the workstages.