Expansiones y variantes BASIC: Sinclair

A continuación detallaremos algunas de las expansiones, compiladores e interpretes BASIC disponibles para computadoras Sinclair



  • Beta BASIC (Spectrum): +60 nuevos comandos – Comandos gráficos – Programación estructurada – Ayudas al programador (Link)
  • YS Mega BASIC (Spectrum): +35 nuevos comandos – Ventanas – Sprites – Programación estructurada (Link)

Compiladores e Interpretes:

  • HiSoft BASIC (Spectrum): Compilador BASIC a código máquina – Directivas de compilación. (Link)
  • MCoder II (Spectrum): Compilador BASIC a código máquina – Solo enteros. (Link)
  • MCoder II (ZX-81): Compilador BASIC a código máquina – Solo enteros – Soporte de cadenas limitado. (Link)
  • Wye Compiler (Spectrum): Compilador BASIC a código máquina – Comandos extendidos (Link)
  • Boriel’s ZX BASIC compiler (Spectrum): Compilador cruzado de BASIC a código máquina escrito en Python (Link) (*)

(*) Boriel’s ZX BASIC usa su propio dialecto BASIC, pero de acuerdo al reglamento para herramientas de desarrollo cruzado, el listado BASIC debe poder correrse de forma nativa. Esto significa que un programa escrito en ZX BASIC tiene que ser compatible con la sintaxis y comandos del BASIC Sinclair (lineas numeradas y no usar los comandos o tipos de datos propios del ZX BASIC )

Nota: En aquellos casos que el compilador, expansión o interprete permita agregar rutinas de codigo máquina directamente al listado, esta capacidad no deberá ser usada ya que entra en conflicto con el reglamento de la competencia.


BASIC expansions and variants: Sinclair

Here’s a list of some of the BASIC expansions, compilers and interpreters available for Sinclair computers.



  • Beta BASIC (Spectrum): +60 new commands – Graphic commands – Structured programming – Programmers toolkit (Link)
  • YS Mega BASIC (Spectrum): +35 new commands -Windows – Sprites – Structured programming (Link)

Compilers and Interpreters:

  • HiSoft BASIC (Spectrum): BASIC to machine code compiler – Compiler directives. (Link)
  • MCoder II (Spectrum): BASIC to machine code compiler – Only integers. (Link)
  • MCoder II (ZX-81): BASIC to machine code compiler – Only integers – Limited string support. (Link)
  • Wye Compiler (Spectrum): BASIC to machine code compiler – Extended commands (Link)
  • Boriel’s ZX BASIC compiler (Spectrum): BASIC to machine code crosscompiler written in Python (Link) (*)

(*) Boriel’s ZX BASIC uses it’s own BASIC dialect, but according to the rules for crossdevelopment tools the BASIC listing should be runnable natively. This means a program written in ZX BASIC should be compliant with Sinclair BASIC commands and sintax (lines must be numbered and no use of ZX BASIC own commands and datatypes)

Note: For those expansions, interpreters or compilers that allow to include inline assembly on the BASIC program,  such feature should not be used as it collides with the competition’s rules.

Expansiones y variantes BASIC – Commodore

A continuación detallaremos algunas de las expansiones, compiladores e interpretes BASIC disponibles para Commodore



  • Simons’ BASIC (C=64): 114 nuevos comandos – Comandos gráficos y de sonido – Comandos de disco – Comandos matematicos – Ayudas al programador (Link)
  • Sprite BASIC (C=64): 47 nuevos comandos – Comandos para manejo de sprites y sonido mediante interrupciones. (Link)
  • DotBASIC (C=64 – Disk): 100+ nuevos comandos – Estructura modular, comandos para manejo de cadenas, música, gráficos, menues, etc. (Link)
  • TSB (C=64 – Disk): Simons’ BASIC mejorado – Bugs corregidos y 30 nuevos comandos. (Link)
  • ToolBASIC 7.5 (C=128): 36 nuevos comandos. (Link)

Compiladores e Interpretes:

  • Austro-Speed 88(C=64): Compilador BASIC a p-code, compatible con Blitz! – Soporta algunas expansiones BASIC.(Link)
  • Becker BASIC (GEOS64): Interprete con +270 nuevos comandos – Permite realizar aplicaciones para GEOS – Entorno de desarrollo. (Link)
  • Blitz! (C=64/C=128): Compilador BASIC a p-code – Directivas de compilación. (Link)
  • geoBASIC (GEOS64):Interprete BASIC para GEOS – 100 comandos.
  • BASIC Boss (C=64): Compilador avanzado de BASIC a codigo máquina – Directivas de compilación. (Link)

Nota: En aquellos casos que el compilador, expansión o interprete permita agregar rutinas de codigo máquina directamente al listado (BASIC Boss, DotBASIC por ej.), esta capacidad no deberá ser usada ya que entra en conflicto con el reglamento de la competencia.

BASIC Expansions and variants – Commodore

Here’s a list of some of the BASIC expansions, compilers and interpreters available for Commodore computers.



  • Simons’ BASIC (C=64): 114 new commands – Graphics and sound commands – Disk commands – Math commands – Programmers tools (Link)
  • Sprite BASIC (C=64): 47 new commands – Interrupt driven sound and sprite commands. (Link)
  • DotBASIC (C=64 – Disk): +100 new commands – Based on modular command libraries – Commands for strings, sprites, menus, music, etc. (Link)
  • TSB (C=64 – Disk): Tuned Simons’ BASIC – Fixed Bugs and 30 new commands. (Link)
  • ToolBASIC 7.5 (C=128): 36 new commands. (Link)

Compilers and Interpreters:

  • Austro-Speed 88(C=64): BASIC to p-code compiler, Blitz! compatible – Support for some BASIC expansions.(Link)
  • Becker BASIC (GEOS64): Interpreter with +270 new commands – Allow the creation of GEOS applications – Dev.environment. (Link)
  • Blitz! (C=64/C=128): BASIC to p-code compiler – Compiler directives. (Link)
  • geoBASIC (GEOS64): BASIC interpreter for GEOS – 100 commands.
  • BASIC Boss (C=64): BASIC to ML advanced compiler – Compiler directives. (Link)

Note: For those expansions, interpreters or compilers that allow to include inline assembly on the BASIC program (ie. DotBASIC, BASIC Boss), such feature should not be used as it collides with the competition’s rules.

Games:Memotest Preview by Alakran

The first Commodore 64 entry comes from Alakran who has sent us a preview of his game Memotest.

  • Name: Memotest
  • Author: Alakran
  • Description: Memotest is a Concentration/Pairs style game for light pen or joystick, 40 cards, only one difficulty setting.
  • Platform: Commodore 64  (disk), joystick or light pen.
  • To-do list: New original loading screen – Ability to choose card designs, using sprites – Sound.



Numbers mode

The game mades use of either a joystick or a Datel compatible light pen on port 2, and allow to choose two types of cards: Numbers (numeros) or Shapes (formas)


Shapes mode

To play with light pen emulation under VICE be sure to select Datel mode and switch it to port 2 (under mouse emulation).

The file contains a D64 disk image, load the game with LOAD”*”,8 and then RUN